Explore data and statistics relevant to early childhood on national, state and local levels.
First Things First Data Center provides aggregate data related to First Things First’s investments and strategies across Arizona and for each of the 28 FTF regions, as available, as well as relevant demographic information.
MapLIT / Read On Arizona, a leading-edge mapping tool, compiles and presents key data sets
that impact early literacy outcomes in Arizona communities.
KIDS COUNT Data Center provides access to hundreds of indicators on child and family well-being in the United States,
Arizona-specific indicators, and the ability to download data and create reports and graphics to support
smart decisions about children and families.
Child Trends Data Bank examines and monitors more than 100 indicators that focus on risks and positive developments for children. Tracks trends over time and by subgroup, highlights strategies
likely to improve well-being, and also provides links to state, local and international data.
Healthy People 2020/DATA2020 includes over 1,200 objectives to monitor and improve the health of all Americans over the decade. Includes many diverse data sources and information related to early childhood.
Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health offers easily accessible national, state and
regional data from large, population-based surveys – data collected from parents that does not require statistical expertise to use – intended to help improve the quality of health care for children and youth.
QRIS Compendium is a catalog and comparison of Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) across the United States to promote thoughtful design, analysis and ongoing improvement in early care and education systems building.